Monday 19 November 2012

Main Brief: Rough designs

After being delayed and locked on a train for a very long time (from Liverpool to Worcester) my mind decided that it actually wanted to think about university work. Consequently I decided to write down anything that came into my head, essentially brainstorming/mind mapping, about Worcestershire sauce.

My first thought was;
                       "How come the majority of people I have asked haven't tried Worcestershire sauce?"
I then thought about why I haven't tried it. The answer? Money.
                           " In what way could you get the sauce for free?"
Okay, so granted this wouldn't be what Lea & Perrins would want to hear. However within this thought a question arose...
                                   "Do Lea & Perrins do sachets? like pub sachets?"
Well personally I think they should as I believe this would help promotion.

Everybody seems to keep linking 'innocent smoothies' to Worcestershire sauce recently, I'm yet to figure out why. However, it made me think about why they are successful (apart from being delicious). Is it their advertising? Is it their "quirky" design. (huge *sigh* at the word quirky) Innocent smoothies are amongst several businesses (ribena, extra chewing gum, etc.) that give objects human/animal traits. For example, berries that talk, onions that can walk. Therefore, as a marketing campaign, can the Worcestershire sauce ingredients be personified? Will it fit the target group?

I then began to think about the general population and the previously mentioned 'WHAT DO I GAIN?!' attitude. What DOES the consumer gain? it's eco friendly, it's the original taste and it's not that expensive. 

How can it be sustainable? less ink=less bleaching during recyling. Can it be re-used? Recycled/natural materials? Refilled (like milk bottles)?

I drew some rough designs on the train in my journal (that I'll scan in on a later date) but because they were incredibly scruffy I drew them on illustrator. THESE ARE INITIAL TEN SECOND IDEAS.

I like the use of the lid label on #2 and will probably continue this throughout my designs. Something I probably won't include, because everybody will, is the use of the Worcester cathedral in #2 and #3.

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